Sponsor a beehive
If your business is unable to host a hive on your premises, we also offer the option to sponsor a hive at Buckley’s Bees Apiary.
Bee involved
- You’ll get a colony of home-bred honeybees and one queen bee, cared for in our apiary
- Staff visits to see your bees in action
- Engages employees and helps them understand why their bees are making a difference
- Provides endless CSR, HR and PR opportunities for your business
- A personalised plaque featuring your logo on your hive
- A positive way to contribute to biodiversity and the wider environment
- We’ll send you hive updates throughout the year
- Your own organisation’s honey (subject to availability) – perfect for corporate gifting or donating to charity
Your sponsorship and support will make a valuable difference to this initiative.
Contact us to get involved.